Our Family Health Organization

Bellair Family Practice is part of a larger group of physicians known as Bedford Family Health Organization.

What is a Family Health Organization (FHO)?


A FHO is a group of family physicians working together to give you and your family the best access to personalized and quality care. Working together allows family physicians to provide care to their enrolled patients during regular and extended clinic hours. For urgent care by one of or physicians Mon-Fri from 5pm-8 pm call 647-417-3535. Outside of these hours, patients enrolled also have access to a nurse-staffed Telephone Health Advisory Service. 1-866-553-7205

FHO’s are an initiative of the Ontario Medical Association and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

For FHOs to be effective, enrolled patients must commit to receiving their primary health care Monday to Friday from their primary physician or, if she is not available, from another physician in the FHO.

Our FHO includes the Bellair Family Practice team of physicians: Drs. Anderson, Karlinsky and Pearl

Drs. Culligan, Liu, Rubin, Andrews & Rubino work together as Bay Charles Family Practice. Please visit their website here, for more information.

Drs. Gupta, Hasham, Hooper, Kassam & Lee work together as Bloom Family Practice. Please visit their website for more information. http://bloomfamilypractice.com

What are the benefits for patients?


Ability to book same day appointments based on availability.

Request for us to advocate for you to get the tests and services you need.

Request for us to make appropriate referrals on your behalf.

Telephone health advice 24/7 through the Telephone Health Advisory Service.

Extended hours on weekday evenings.

What about walk-in clinics?


The preference is that you do not go to a walk-in clinic outside of Bellair Family Practice or our Bedford FHO.

If you belong to Bellair Family Practice, your family physician will be billed by OHIP if you visit a different clinic.

Additionally, if you go to a walk-in clinic, that clinic does not forward your records including any test results so our records of your health will not be complete..

The government compensates physicians in our FHO for remaining open extended hours to ensure you have access to urgent medical care.